MAX LUPO Opening: Objects of Note

Dial me a story phones_LR

VERSO Gallery Presents
MAX LUPO: Objects of Note
April 5-27, 2014

Opening Reception & Performance
Saturday April 5 from 4-6 pm

Additional Performances
Saturday, April 12: 1-4
Sunday, April 27: 1-4

***BlogTO—Must See Art Shows

Max Lupo’s Objects of Note takes all of the things you never knew you wished you had, and puts them in one place. Are you your own worst enemy? Do you need a portable confidence booster? Or are you disturbingly lonely while sitting around the house? These, and many other essential human dilemmas, can all be solved by an Object of Note!

The devices on view present themselves as an object waiting to be touched, and it is through the user’s interaction that the limit of the device’s functionality is revealed. Together the viewer and artist will find that what the objects purport to do is both a very real reality, and an obvious sham.

Artist Statement
In my most recent work I become both inventor, and television infomercial host. The devices I create present themselves as an object waiting to be touched, and it is through the user’s interaction that the true character of each device is revealed. The power of the objects reside in their ability to engage with the viewers on both a tactile and conceptual level.

The objects may attempt to offer a concrete solution for some deleterious human ailment, or perhaps they are simply a lightning rod for irony. In either case, the objects are created to be reactive to the user, in a way that allows them to reveal truths about themselves, the user, and myself – all at once.

Max Lupo is an emerging artist/inventor who travels the world (not really) in order to bring the most exotic and fascinating inventions to life.

Image: Dial Me a Story. Modified vintage telephones, 2014

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